#!/bin/bash # 脚本名称 # 作者:咖啡兔 # 博客: # 日期:2011-08-13 # 有更好的建议或写法请联系:yanhonglei[at] echo [INFO] 确保默认JDK版本为JDK6.0及以上版本,已配置JAVA_HOME. echo [INFO] 如不能连接Maven官方网站, 修改本文件去掉下面一行的注释. #设置临时变量 MVN=mvn ANT=ant MAVEN_OPTS="$MAVEN_OPTS -XX:MaxPermSize=128m" SS_DIR=$(dirname $(cd ${0%/*} && echo $PWD/${0##*/})) ANT="$SS_DIR/tools/ant/apache-ant-1.8.1/bin/ant" #cd $(dirname `which $0`)意思是进入shell所在的目录 cd $SS_DIR if [ -d "tools/ant/apache-ant-1.8.1/" ]; then ANT="$SS_DIR/tools/ant/apache-ant-1.8.1/bin/ant" fi echo Maven命令为$MVN echo Ant命令为$ANT echo [Step 1] 复制tools/maven/central-repository 到 ~/.m2/repository cp -r "tools/maven/central-repository" ~/.m2/repository echo [Step 2] 安装SpringSide3 所有modules, examples项目及mini項目生成模板到本地Maven仓库, 生成Eclipse项目文件. $MVN clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true $MVN eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse echo [Step 3] 启动H2数据库. cd tools/h2 $MVN exec:java & cd ../../ # 等待5秒钟,因为遇到过问题:启动下面的web应用的时候H2还未启动完成,如果机器性能低请增加等待时间 sleep 5 echo [Step 4] 为Mini-Service 初始化数据库, 启动Jetty. cd examples/mini-service $ANT -f bin/build.xml init-db $MVN -Djetty.port=8083 jetty:run & cd ../../ echo [Step 5] 为Mini-Web 初始化数据库, 启动Jetty. cd examples/mini-web $ANT -f bin/build.xml init-db $MVN -Djetty.port=8084 jetty:run & cd ../../ echo [Step 6] 为Showcase 生成Eclipse项目文件, 编译, 打包, 初始化数据库, 启动Jetty. cd examples/showcase $ANT -f bin/build.xml init-db $MVN -Djetty.port=8085 jetty:run & cd ../../ echo [INFO] SpringSide3.0 快速启动完毕. echo [INFO] 可访问以下演示网址: echo [INFO] http://localhost:8083/mini-service echo [INFO] http://localhost:8084/mini-web echo [INFO] http://localhost:8085/showcase
不要忘记为脚本添加执行权限:chmod a+x
脚本不足: 启动数据库和3个演示项目之后按Ctrl+C不能停止进程,因为进程都是在后台运行的,脚本运行完成后使用:ps -e | grep java然后结束这些java进程,或者使用:sudo netstat -tulnp | grep java根据端口结束进程:kill -9 xxx
Buildfile: /home/kafeitu/work/sources/springside/springside-3.3.4/examples/mini-web/bin/build.xml BUILD FAILED /home/kafeitu/work/sources/springside/springside-3.3.4/examples/mini-web/bin/build.xml:4: Problem: failed to create task or type antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant:dependencies Cause: The name is undefined. Action: Check the spelling. Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared. Action: Check that any/ declarations have taken place. No types or tasks have been defined in this namespace yet This appears to be an antlib declaration. Action: Check that the implementing library exists in one of: -/home/kafeitu/work/tools/apache/ant/apache-ant-1.8.2/lib -/home/kafeitu/.ant/lib -a directory added on the command line with the -lib argument Total time: 0 seconds </pre> 三、
这个比较简单,请复制以下脚本保存到generate-project.shecho [INFO] 确保已用mvn install安裝tools/maven/archetype中的mini-web项目模板 gpdir=generated-projects cd $(dirname `which $0`) if [ ! -d "$gpdir" ]; then mkdir $gpdir fi cd $gpdir mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local不要忘记为脚本添加执行权限:chmod a+x generate-project.sh四、结束语